![]() Andrew Larson (Garsås Anders Larsson från Limbäck, Våmhus) och Mary Larson (Levd Majt Andersdotter från Bonäs)Andrew Larson was born at Våmhus, Mora, Sweden on May 18, 1841 to Lars and Brita (Andersdotter) Larson whose other Swedish born children were Mait (1839-???? may have died as an infant), Oliver (1844-1912), Carrie Lund (1847-1893), Mary Peterson (1849-1890), and Becky Frost (1852-1916). Andrew emigrated to the USA on July 5, 1863, and his first home in America was in Chicago, IL. On August 22, 1864 he married Mary Anderson/Bowman in Chicago.Mary Anderson/Bowman was born in Mora, Dalarna, Sweden on January 6, 1840 to Andrew and Karin (Mattsdotter) Mattson, whose other Swedish born children were; Martin (1835-????), Karin (1834-????), Anna Peterson (1846-1920), and Andrew (1849-1919). Andrew Mattson died about 1847 in Sweden, and the family emigrated to the USA in 1863. Due to the many Andersons in America they changed their name to Bowman to minimize the conflict with the Anderson name. Andrew and Mary Larson located in Logan Township in 1864. In the summer of 1908 Andrew contracted blood poisoning from the prick of a needle in one of his toes. In order to stop the spread of the blood poisoning it was decided to amputate his foot. An eminent Omaha surgeon was summoned to perform the operation, and the operation was successful. However, gangrene had too much headway and Andrew died on July 26, 1908. One of the remarkable features of his life is that this was the first time he had ever called upon a physician and none had ever before been called into the family. He was buried at the Baptist Cemetery south of town. Mary died on Oct. 15, 1924. Andrew and Mary Larson had 6 children: (1) Lars A. Larson, born on Sept. 14, 1864 and died on June 17, 1938. He was not married. (2) Andrew A. Larson, born in 1870 and died on March 24, 1933. He married Annie Anderson and they had 8 children; Vernon D., Ethel Peterson, Laura M., Ruth Cowen, Irving B., Lillian, Harold W., and Edna Siemsen. (3) Mary, born on Nov. 24, 1872 and died on July 9, 1933. She married Everett Holmes and they had 11 children; Harry J., Ray S., Everett A., Marian, Gertrude Rusk, Mary Smith, Guy H., Ivan L., Ethel F., Edith F., and Stanley. (4) Oliver A. Larson, born on Nov. 1, 1874 and died on Nov. 22, 1956. He married Anna Larson and they had 6 children; Howard O., Roy O., Minnie Anderson, Alvin E., Mabel Tronsgard, and Carroll A. (5) Peter A. Larson, born on May 27, 1877 and died on Dec. 5, 1936. He married Ruby Mattson, but they had no children. (6) Eric A. Larson, born on Sept. 28, 1879 and died on June 23, 1952. He was not married.
Harry H. Wagner
Death of Andrew Larson After an Operation to Prevent the Spread of Blood Poison On Thursday, last week, after consulting with the family and the family physician of Andrew Larson, Dr. Hill of Lyons, it was concluded that the only way to prevent the spread of blood poisoning was to amputate the foot. Mr. Larson had contracted blood poisoning from a prick of a needle in one of his toes. Dr. Somers, an eminent surgeon of Omaha, was summonsed here to perform the operation, which was successfully performed, but gangrene had too much headway. The patient dying on Sunday evening at 5 o'clock, Deceased was aged 67 years, 2 months and 8 days. He left Sweden July 5, 1863. He arrived in Chicago the same year. He was married in 1864 in Chicago to his wife who survives. Shortly after marriage, the same year, he joined a Swedish colony that located in this neighborhood, and he has lived ever since on the same farm with his family. The deceased leaves six children besides his wife. The children are Andrew, Lars, Oliver, Peter and Eric Larson, and Mrs. Holmes. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from the residence of his son in town. The services were held by Rev. Mr. Arlander, Swedish Baptist minister of Oakland. He spoke in the Swedish and English language. Those acting as pall bearers were Theodore Uehling, P. A. Anderson, J. G. Meyer, Henry Uehling, Joseph Johnson and Eph Johnson. The remains were buried in the Swedish Baptist burying ground.
Källa: Nekrolog i The Uehling Times, 31/7 1908,
såsom avskrivet av Harrry H. Wagner ![]() Andrews gravsten på Baptist Cemetery, Uehling, Nebraska Hustruns saknas |
![]() About 1889 Back Row: Charley O, Daniel O, Christina A, Harvey O, Oliver O & Andrew O Seated: Anna Olson Larson & Oliver Larson Front Row: Minnie & Edward O. Lillian & Elsie Not Born, Yet Oliver Larson (Garsås Olof Larsson från Limbäck, Våmhus) och Anna Larson (Finn Anna Olsdotter från Vattnäs)Called Home Oliver LarsonA Pioneer of Dodge County of the late 60's Passed away at the farm residence Friday, Feb. 16, 1912 Aged 68 years, 15 days. Oliver Larson a pioneer resident of Logan Township living a half mile south of Uehling passed away suddenly Friday morning, Feb. 16, at 10 o'clock following a second stroke of paralysis. Mr. Larson suffered his first stroke on Oct. 8, 1910, while on a hay sweep working in the hay field, from which he recovered but it left him crippled in his right arm and leg. After his recovery he became unusually active and came up town every day that the weather permitted. When the snow came it became necessary on account of his ailment to be confined to the house. From that time he gradually began to fail, dropsy having also set in, and towards the last he could only get around in the house by holding on to the back of a chair and pushing it ahead of himself. On the morning of his demise he had been up as usual and partook of a light breakfast and on becoming tired concluded he would lay down awhile. His wife and daughter, Mrs. Carl Kammerer, helped him to bed and left in a sitting position and stepped out of the room, when suddenly they heard a slight noise and they rushed back in to the bedroom and found that he had fallen back into bed. Thinking that he had fainted they applied a wet cloth to his head and summoned Dr. Perlee who upon arrival pronounced him dead. His death was not altogether unexpected. For a number of years before his first stroke he suffered from a peculiar fainting sensation when in a company of large gatherings which caused him to be of a retiring disposition and he avoided them if as possible. Oliver Larson was born in Limbeck, Wamhus, Sweden on Jan. 31, 1844. He landed in Castle Garden, New York, on July 29, 1863 and from there came to Chicago where he remained nearly a year, following the occupation of basket maker. In 1864 he came west to Omaha where he went to work for the Union Pacific which was then being built. Mr. Larson was married to Miss Anna Anderson in Chicago. She died about a year after marriage. July 5th 1866, he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Olson in Omaha. They came soon afterward to Dodge county and then on a homestead in Logan township. There they made their home until eleven years ago when they sold the place and bought one adjoining where they have since resided. He is survived by a wife, five sons, Oliver, Andrew, Daniel, Harvey, Edward, and four daughters, Mrs. Wm Ralph, Mrs. Aug. Koehler, Mrs. A. C. Kammerer and Miss Elsie Larson. The funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Arlander of Oakland officiating. Interment in the Baptist cemetery. We extend condolences.
Källa: Nekrolog av okänt ursprung,
såsom avskrivet av Harrry H. Wagner
Källa: Nekrolog i Fremont Weekly Herald, 23/2 1912,
såsom avskrivet av Harrry H. Wagner Oliver and Anna (Olson) Larson Oliver Larson was born at Limbeck, Våmhus, Mora, Sweden on January 31, 1844 to Lars and Brita Andersdotter Larson whose other Swedish born children were Mait (1839-???? may have died as an infant), Andrew (1841-1908), Carrie Lund (1847-1893), Mary Peterson (1849-1890) and Becky Frost (1852-1916). Oliver was 19 years old when he emigrated to the USA, landing at Castle Garden, NY on July 29, 1863. It is not known if he emigrated alone or with other members of his family. However, his parents and all of his sisters and his brother did emigrate to the USA and they settled near the present town of Uehling, NE. Oliver's first home in America was in Chicago, IL where he worked as a basket maker for a year. Oliver Larson married Anna Anderson in Chicago in 1863, and they moved to Omaha, NE in 1864 where he worked for the Union Pacific Railroad. Anna died at Omaha in 1864. In September, 1864 Oliver applied for a homestead, application No. 417, for the NW quarter of Section 10 in Township 20N of Range 8E. The homestead papers state that he settled on this land on September 18, 1864 and was the head of a family. Anna Olson was born on October 31, 1849 at Mora, Dalarna, Sweden to Oliver and Margit Olsdotter Olson, whose other children were Olaf (1846-???), Margaret Johnson (1853-1919), Carrie Larson (1857-1935), Christina Peterson (1860-1945), Andrew (1863-????) and Henry Andrew (1867-1952). All of the Olson children were born in Sweden except Henry Andrew who was born at Swaburg, Dodge County, Nebraska. Anna Olson emigrated to the USA with her parents and other family members on July 8, 1865 at the age of 16 years. Their first home was also Chicago, IL, but they soon moved to Omaha, NE, and later to the Swaburg neighborhood of Dodge County. Oliver Larson and Anna Olson were married at Omaha, Nebraska on July 5, 1866 and settled on Oliver's homestead near the present town of Uehling, NE. The homestead process was completed in October, 1869 with the final certificate No. 180 issued in November, 1871. The homestead papers show that by 1869 Oliver had built a 14X16 log house with 1 door and 2 windows, and that they had 2 children. Oliver became a US citizen on October, 4, 1869 at Fremont, Dodge County, NE. Oliver and Anna lived on the homestead until about 1901 when they sold it and bought an adjoining farm in section 11. Oliver Larson, 68, died from a stroke on February 16, 1912 at his home, a half mile south of Uehling, NE. He was buried at the Baptist Cemetery, south of town. For several years Anna made her home with her daughter, Minnie (Mrs. August Koehler), where she died on November 15, 1922 at the age of 73. She is also was buried at the Baptist Cemetery. Graves for the children; Unknown, Anna, Ann and Mary have not been located, and it is possible that they were buried on the homestead.
Källa: För att publiceras i Uehling, NE Centennial Book 2006,
enligt Harrry H. Wagner Swaburg Mrs. Anna Larson, a pioneer settler of the Swaburg community passed away at Uehling Wednesday, November 15, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Koehler, with whom she had been making her home for the past several years. As Anna Olson she was born in Dalarna, Sweden, October 31, 1849, and was at the time of her passing aged 73 years and 15 days. In her early youth she emigrated to America and on July 5, 1866, she was united in marriage, at Omaha, to Oliver Larson, who preceded her in death ten years ago. As a pioneer, Mrs. Larson endured the toil and privations of the early days on the homestead and later knew the joys that come as a reward of a life well-lived. She was the mother of fourteen children, five passing away during infancy. There are left to mourn the loss of this dear mother, five sons and four daughters, namely Oliver and Harvey of Swaburg; Andrew of Hooper; Daniel of Fremont; and Edward of Stoneham, Colorado and Mrs. Christena Realph of Swaburg; Mrs. Minnie Koehler of Uehling; Mrs. Lillie Kammerer of Fremont; and Mrs. Elsie Woodruff of Julesburg, Colorado. She is also survived by thirty-five grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, two sisters and one brother. The funeral services were solemnized Saturday afternoon with a prayer service at the late home, followed by services at the Uehling Congregational church, the pastor, Rev. W. E. Thompson officiating. Music was furnished by a mixed quartet. A beautiful floral tribute testified of the love and esteem in which the departed was held. After the services at the church the large cortege wended its way to Swaburg where in the quiet God's Acre, known as the Baptist cemetery, she was laid to rest in the family lot. The pallbearers, grandsons of the deceased, were Harvey, Bryan and John Realph, and Johnny Larson of Swaburg and Walter Larson and Duke Conklin of Uehling.
Källa: Nekrolog i Nebraska Independent, 24/11 1922,
såsom avskrivet av Harrry H. Wagner Mrs. Anna Larson of Uehling, Passes Away Mrs. Anna Larson, widow of the late Oliver Larson, sr., and a pioneer settler of the Swaburg neighborhood, died on Wednesday, Nov. 15, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Koehler, of Uehling, She was 73 years old, having been born in Sweden on Oct. 31, 1849. Her residence in this community has dated back since the early 60's. She was the mother of thirteen children, nine of whom survive her. They are four daughters, Mrs. Wm. Realph, Mrs. A. J. Koehler, of Uehling; Mrs. Carl Kammerer, Fremont; Mrs. Burt Woodruff, Julesburg, Colo.; five sons, Oliver, Harvey, Andrew of Hooper; Dan, of Fremont, and Edward of Stoneham, Colo. Funeral services and interment were held at Uehling on Saturday.
Källa: Nekrolog i The Hooper Sentinel, 23/11 1922,
såsom avskrivet av Harrry H. Wagner